Example 2a
Raven model run with BasinMaker outputs
- Here we demo what additional Raven hydrological model framework input files (*.rvi, *.rvp, *.rvc, and *.rvt), i.e. non-BasinMaker files, must be combined with BasinMaker generated Raven inputs (*.rvh with HRU/basin definitions, *.rvh for the lakes and *.rvp for the channels) from Step 7 of the BasinMaker post-processing walkthrough (Example 2).
- We have configured a semi-distributed version of the HMETS for the South River routing network (gauge 02DD005) outside of BasinMaker. A lumped HMETS model runs on each land HRU. Evaporation is simulated on all lake HRUs.
- BasinMaker Example 2a produces discretization and routing inputs containing 20 subbasins and 3 lakes. The HRUs defined in this routing network are lake HRU and non-lake (land) HRU, which is the simplest definition in BasinMaker. The total number of HRUs is 23. No landuse, soil, or vegetation classes is considered in this example.
- Basin-averaged daily precipitation and air temperature from 2000 to 2010 are used as input forcing. Three flow gauges are set as the point where hydrographs will be output by Raven; however, these gauges are no longer active during the period of 2000-2010. Thus, all the data points in the hydrographs are flagged as missing in the time series files. The stage of two representative simulated lakes, Bray Lake and a small lake just above the OPG Nippissing Generating Station near the watershed outlet (please view them on the watershed map produced by BasinMaker), are written out by Raven for a visual check of simulated lake stages.
- Instructions for model build:
- Create a new folder called 'Raven2a_SouthRiver'.
- Unzip the file called 'HMETS_nonBasinMaker_files.zip' (download non-BasinMaker files as zip) and move contents to the 'Raven2a_SouthRiver' folder.
- After you have completed the case 2a BasinMaker post-processing walkthrough for South River (02DD005), move all the BasinMaker generated files from this Step, except the 'south_river_HMETS.rvp', to the 'Raven2a_SouthRiver' folder.
- Make sure you download the latest Raven model executable for your operating system or download the code and compile an executable on your machine (see Raven website).
- Run the Raven executable using the 'Raven2a_SouthRiver' folder as the model inputs (if you are not a Raven user currently, you may need to quickly read the Raven manual).
- You can quickly inspect simulated outputs using the super convenient web-based plotting tool for Raven here. For example import the 'south_river_ReservoirStages.csv' as a hydrograph file. But first, change the Raven 'south_river_hmets.rvh' file to print out lake outflows for sub3002554 and for sub3002566 by changing the last column ('gauged') in the ':Subbasin' block from 0 to 1.
- Note that users can easily do the same thing for BasinMaker Example 2b outputs for Raven. Just repeat above for these outputs and use a new folder called 'Raven2b_SouthRiver'. You can use the same set of non-BasinMaker files you downloaded in Step 2 above!